We are happy to have gained two new faces to strengthen our team! We warmly welcome Selina Wenk and Niklas Rückwald this month!

Selina started her professional career with a commercial apprenticeship at the Bühler Group. There she developed further to purchase management and then started her business administration studies at the OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule. She is new to our team and supports us as a coordinator!

Niklas previously worked as a project manager for the kENUP foundation in Amsterdam. The fast-growing foundation is a global promoter of research-based innovations with public and societal benefits. He supported public and private investments in European start-ups and SMEs in sectors with significant market failures, for example in the development of medical interventions for the Global South. He is now dedicating himself to his doctorate in the field of growth start-ups at the University of St.Gallen (HSG) and supports our start-up team as a consultant and connector to the HSG with enthusiasm.