Event series

The individual events incl. Registrations are listed under the events.
You can expect an intensive 90 minutes in which, after the catchy technical and practical input, “activation” is important in order to be able to transfer the content you have heard to your own needs.
7.15 a.m .: Doors open, batch collection
7.30 a.m .: Welcome by the organizers and afterwards:
- Specialist input
- Practical example
- “Activation” in groups
- Feedback, look at future topics, farewell
9:00 a.m .: Coffee / croissants

The impulse events are free of charge. Your registration makes planning and catering easier for us.
As a member of Innovation Park East, you also receive access to all documents shown.
Depending on which stage of innovation you are at, you will be faced with different challenges. The three organizers of this event series would like to support you in your individual implementation.
Which question applies to you?
I want to know where I stand!

I want to develop new ideas!

I want entrepreneurial support!