General Assembly of Switzerland Innovation Park East: All motions approved, change in the Board of Directors
The General Meeting of Switzerland Innovation Park Ost AG (SIP Ost) approved all proposals of the Board of Directors. Dr. Volker Frost, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik and Daniel Wessner were newly elected to the Board of Directors.
The general meeting of SIP Ost took place on Tuesday, June 18, 2024. In addition to statutory business and a change to the statutes, the focus was on elections to the Board of Directors. The amendment to the Articles of Association created, in particular, the possibility of a further capital increase.
Newly elected to the Board of Directors were Dr. Volker Frost, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik and Daniel Wessner. Dr. Volker Frost is Executive VP EMEA at Metrohm AG in Herisau. Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik is Professor of Entrepreneurship, Director of the Institute of Technology Management and Vice Rector for Innovation & Quality (at ITEM-HSG) at the University of St.Gallen. Daniel Wessner is a lawyer and head of the Office for Economy and Labor of the Canton of Thurgau.

The Chairman of the Innovation Park East, Roland Ledergerber, thanks the outgoing members for their work
From left to right: Stefan Scheibler (former), Roland Ledergerber (Chairman), Hans Altherr (former), Beat Hirt (former). Absent: Gian-Luca Bona.

The CEO and the Chairman of the Innovationspark Ost welcome the newly elected members of the Board of Directors
From left to right: Dr. Hans Ebinger (CEO), Daniel Wessner, Roland Ledergerber (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Dietmar Grichnik, Dr. Volker Jörg Frost
The three newly elected members replace the resigned Prof. Dr. Gian-Luca Bona, Dr. Beat Hirt and Stefan Scheiber. Two years after the merger of SIP Ost and Startfeld, Hans Altherr is leaving as planned. As former president of the Startfeld and Startfeld Innovation Center associations, he accompanied their integration into the SIP East as a permanent guest on the board of directors. The remaining six Board members were re-elected for a further term of three years.
“We would like to thank the outgoing board members for their important contribution to the founding and direction of the park and regret their departure. Conversely, we look forward to the expertise and experience that the new board members will bring to the current development phase,” says Roland Ledergerber, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Switzerland Innovation Park East. “We are working on linking SIP East more closely with research partners and industry and on having an impact on our focus areas of HEALTH, SENSOR TECHNOLOGY and DIGITALIZATION.”