Expanding the cleanroom in Buchs to promote innovation
The cooperation partners “OST – Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences”, “RhySearch – the Rhine Valley Research and Innovation Center” and the Switzerland Innovation Park East require an expanded and further developed clean room. The preparatory committee has discussed the government’s proposal for support with two special loans totaling around 22 million francs and has requested that it be accepted.
The high-precision manufacturing industry is economically important for the canton of St. Gallen and especially for the Rhine Valley. It requires an efficient research environment and access to the latest technology and infrastructure. However, specialized systems place very high demands on their environment. This should be as free of particles as possible, which is why so-called clean rooms are needed in which the air quality can be monitored. The availability of future-proof clean rooms and the appropriate specialists are therefore crucial for manufacturers of precision components.
Under the title “Sensor Innovation Hub”, the cooperation partners want to maintain and expand the research opportunities of the existing cleanroom in Buchs an der OST, which is also heavily used by RhySearch and operated with its own systems, and to make it better known and more accessible. They are jointly driving forward the renovation, expansion and operation of the cleanroom so that it also meets future requirements.
The government supports the goals of the “Sensor Innovation Hub” and would like to support it with around 22 million francs. The cantonal council, under the leadership of Andreas Broger, Altstätten, discussed the proposal in Buchs. The commission was given comprehensive information by the cooperation partners and inspected the existing premises. It supports the special loan and requests that the proposal be accepted.
The Cantonal Council will discuss the proposal in the first reading in the upcoming spring session and probably in the second reading in the summer session of 2025. The referendum is expected to take place in autumn 2025. The message and the draft can be found in the Council information system under the reference number 33.24.05.