Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium

At this year's Eastern Switzerland Technology Symposium you will definitely have the opportunity to get to know us: Visit us at our stand, let our CEO Dr. Hans Ebinger will give you an idea of ​​us in his presentation at 1:50 p.m. or speak to Peter Frischknecht, who will open and moderate the symposium again. […]

Anxiety, depression or dementia?

Square HSG St. Gallen

Dementia diseases show different faces and can also hide behind mental disorders or behavioral problems of the people affected. Then the clarification of the diagnosis can even lead to relief.


The Switzerland Innovation Park East will be at the stand at Olma from October 13th to 23rd together with Empa and Smartfeld. Find out about innovation funding offers in your region and connect with us in Hall 3.1!

Diagnosis of dementia – what does that mean?

Square HSG St. Gallen

Although there is a great fear of dementia, there is little knowledge among the population about the different forms of dementia and how to deal with the disease.

Swiss Innovation Forum

Switzerland Innovation Park East will be on stand together with the five other Swiss innovation parks for the first time at the Swiss Innovation Forum on November 23rd in Basel. Find out about innovation funding offers in your region!

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