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Startup Forum St.Gallen @ OLMA

14.10.2024 , 12:00 - 15:00

The IFJ is once again holding a startup forum at the OLMA this year. Our start-up funding Startfeld is also part of this.

Be independent? Implement your own idea? Realize an innovation? Realize your life’s dream? There are many reasons to start your own company.

The Startup Forum at OLMA offers those interested in starting a business, young entrepreneurs and established entrepreneurs from Eastern Switzerland the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper insight into the start-up world.

Exciting short contributions from start-ups are waiting for you at the forum. This is also an excellent opportunity to…  make valuable contacts and expand your network.

  • October 16, 2023
  • 12.00 – 2.30 p.m
  • For free

OLMA trade fairs

9000 St.Gallen

  • Those interested in starting a business
  • Young entrepreneurs
  • Established entrepreneurs

What exactly awaits you on this day remains a secret. The final program will be published as soon as possible.

Registration for this event takes place via the IFJ.

Olma Hall 9.2

Splügenstrasse 12
St. Gallen, St. Gallen 9008 Schweiz


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