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Startfield & SICTIC Investors Day

07.11.2023 , 16:30 - 19:30


That's what it's about

As a match-making event, Investors Day offers selected, innovative start-ups from different industries in the start-up and growth phases as well as high-profile investors the opportunity to meet.

The support partner is SICTIC , the leading Swiss financing platform, for smart money investors and Swiss seed and early-stage tech start-ups. Only start-ups and investors are present at Investors Day. Afterwards there is the opportunity to exchange ideas further and get to know each other in more depth. The target minimum amount per investment is CHF 50,000.00.

These startups pitch

Apheros AG manufactures high surface area metal foams for applications in the field of electronics cooling, green hydrogen, and battery materials. Our innovative materials offer unprecedented properties due to their extremely high surface area and low density. Our patented processes are easily and cost-effectively scaled. We offer fully customizable metallic and alloy foams with a wide range of porosity, pore sizes, and mechanical properties.

capzlog.aero hilft dir bei der Aufzeichnung von Flugzeiten in allen Stufen deiner Pilotenkarriere. Ob als Flugschüler auf dem Weg zur PPL (Privatpilotenlizenz), als erfahrener Kapitän auf Linienflügen oder als Senior Examiner. Unser elektronisches Flugbuch ist so konzipiert, dass du alle Flug- und Simulator (FSTD)-Daten loggen kannst. Viele Funktionalitäten, wie intelligente Exports oder digitale Signaturen, sind so konzipiert, dass deine Checks zum Kinderspiel werden.

At Digit Soil, we have the potential to revolutionize farming globally: making it eco-friendly and cost-effective. We use predictive technology combined with on-farm measurement devices to empower farmers with the right fertilization plan to boost yields at lower cost and cut pollution.

We automate complex and tedious manipulation tasks with a versatile automation platform, driven by dexterous robotic hands and AI trained on human observations.

Idana ist eine von zwei Ärzten geleitete High-Tech-Plattform für Arztpraxen, die die gesamte Patientenaufnahme übernimmt, mit medizinischer Intelligenz die Antworten der Patienten in qualitativ hochwertige Berichte für den Arzt verwandelt, die Informationen in der Patientenakte dokumentiert und so im Schnitt drei Minuten pro Besuch spart. So können Arztpraxen ihren Praxisbetrieb effizienter gestalten.

Jedsy, a Swiss start-up founded in early 2021 by aerospace engineer Herbert Weirather and three-time Aerobatic Helicopters World Cup champion Mirko Cesena, specializes in advanced delivery drones. Their unique window and balcony docking system speeds up medical deliveries. These docking stations also serve as charging points, enabling efficient, automated, and decentralized delivery routes. The company has garnered support from renowned investors like Cornelius Boersch.

Today, we waste energy heating entire rooms and car interiors for warmth. At qCella, an ETH spin-off, we are innovating energy-efficient heating solutions for heated car seats, clothing, shoes, and pain-relievers. Our easily customizable, paper-thin heating mat combines homogenous heating, design flexibility, and robustness like no other product on the market, catering to growing industries like electric vehicles and wearable heating.

unomr provides the most profound insight into the proteome for academia and industry R&D. With our sensor we help our clients to foster innovation in the therapeutic and diagnostic healthcare sector. Our nanopore based technology is purely based on standard lithographic procedures wich makes it scalable. We developed a flexible, target-specific, and serial system which allows for high throughput and delivers unmet single-molecule protein data quality.

Via Communa bietet ganzheitliche Unterstützung für Schlaganfallpatienten nach ihrem Krankenhausaufenthalt. Mit individueller Therapie, Zusammenarbeit mit medizinischem Personal und Angehörigen bringen wir die Rehabilitation nach Hause. Unser innovativer Algorithmus fördert die Heilung.

YourBarMate offers SaaS solutions for the whole value chain of the hospitality industry. This spans from ordering and inventory management to the evaluation of KPIs. Our vision is to provide a seamless infrastructure for an efficient and digital data flow throughout the whole value chain. Optimizing ordering, inventory taking, production, sales and distribution saves significant time, cost and waste.

The start-ups are accompanied by coaches from the Innosuisse-Swiss Agency for Innovation Promotion and/or Startfeld and receive mandatory pitch training in the run-up to Investors Day.

The Investors Forum in brief

November 7, 2023

4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m

Innovation Park East

Lerchenfeldstrasse 3

9014 St.Gallen

4.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.:
Pitches from start-ups

6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.:
Start-up fair and networking

Only start-ups that meet one of the following criteria will be admitted:

  • Innosuisse Start-up (Coaching Acceptance)
  • Starting field funding package
  • SICTIC – start-up


Interested investors can register for Investors Day using the registration form below. The registration deadline is November 6, 2023.

Start-ups that want to pitch send their complete application to: startup@startfeld.ch .

Innovation Park East

Lerchenfeldstrasse 3
St. Gallen, 9014 Schweiz

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