The aim of the Rheintal Technology Roundtable is to develop research topics and establish collaborations that can lead to sustainable product innovations, better manufacturing processes and new business ideas and thus contribute to the development of Switzerland as a business location.
The event in brief
The event is aimed at those responsible for research and innovation in companies in the photonics and microtechnology sectors (CEOs, CTOs, senior engineers).
15:00 Begrüssung
             Keynote (Einführungsvortrag)
15:30 «Sensor Center» – eine Initiative zur Stärkung der Hightech Region Buchs SG
15:50 Statements der Industrie
16:00 Pause
16:20 Workshop Entwicklung von Forschungsthemen
17:30 Wrap up und Diskussion
18:00 Apéro
Bitte melden Sie sich über die Website unseres Partners OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule an.
Thu, 05 September 2024
3.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m., followed by aperitif
OST – Eastern Swiss University of Applied Sciences, Buchs Campus
Werdenbergstrasse 4
9471 Buchs
The event will take place immediately after Precision Photonic Systems ’24 .