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Introducing Empa’s Virtual Lab

11.05.2023 , 15:00 - 17:00

Our research partner Empa presents its first Virtual Lab. They kindly invite you to meet the experts behind the Virtual Lab and to exchange with them on potential applications for your research or industry.

Bringing Physical Experiments to your Screen

Empa’s Lab for Biomimetic Membranes and Textile is introducing its first Virtual Lab, with the vision of accelerating innovation and complementing the insights and data obtained from the vast experiments conducted at Empa.

Zur Anmeldung

The Virtual Lab presents a collection of digital tools that mirror physical experiments. These virtual tools allow users to analyze large amounts of data faster and in a more exciting way. Learn about the concepts, such as digital twins, and their potential application to your area of expertise in this first practical exchange with Empa scientists on 11 May 2023 at the Empa in St. Gallen.

Target Audience

Researchers and scientists, all fields and industries (no modeling background needed)


Research shows that technologies, such as digital twins, can contribute greatly to problem solving at different levels. These technologies, developed by computer simulation and sensing, offer a broad spectrum of applications for different industries, including in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, medical technology or in the transport of perishable goods.

Virtual Equipment on Display

  • FruitTed: shows how to minimize the amount of spoiled food during transport and storage.
  • MyFruitTwin: determines the optimal storage temperature for fruits and vegetables.
  • Virtual Mask Tester: determines the Covid virus load depending on the mask and room situation.
  • YVCCA Interactive map: allows visualization of complex agricultural data in simplified maps.
  • Kalcos: determines the influence of room temperature on the result of a measuring device.
  • TreatMe: allows exploring different strategies of oral morphine and transdermal fentanyl therapy in order to find the optimum therapy for patients who experience severe chronic pain, such as cancer patients.

Tentative program

15.00h Welcome (Dr Daniel Onwude)

15.05h Virtual Lab to Enhance Future Research (Prof. Dr Thijs Defraeye)

15.15h Our Equipment: Demonstrations and Application Cases

16.00h Exchange: Feedback and Q&A

16.20h Aperitif and Networking

17.00h End of the Event

Registration for this event is handled by Empa.

To the registration


Lerchenfeldstrasse 5
St. Gallen,


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