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Impulse event “Business Model Innovation”

16.02.2024 , 07:30 - 09:00

How do I make my SME fit for the future?

Business model innovation refers to the process by which a company changes or evolves its business model to better align with the future, create new value for customers, and differentiate itself from competitors. This can be done by adapting to new technologies, entering new markets, changing the way value is created and delivered, or changing income streams.

The event shortly

Reserve the early morning of February 16th to learn more about business model innovation and its implementation in SMEs. After a concise introduction to the topic and practical input, we will examine together what questions we need to ask ourselves in order to innovate our business models. The event is free.

February 16, 2024

7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., followed by coffee, croissants and networking

Innovation Park East

Lerchenfeldstrasse 3

9014 St.Gallen

Practical input:

Hannes Schwarz, CEO ifolor AG

Specialist input:

Samuel Böhni, OST – University of Applied Sciences for Eastern Switzerland

Innovation Park East

Lerchenfeldstrasse 3
St. Gallen, 9014 Schweiz

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