Sensors are omnipresent and each of us relies on the data they provide – whether from the weather report or from the smart watch on our wrist. But do we know whether we can trust this data? Find out from our experts which methods are used and how modern sensor systems are calibrated today so that they deliver reliable values even under unfavorable environmental conditions.
This event offers lively and practice-oriented insights into the world of sensor technology, including concrete examples.
The program at a glance
Expert input: Sensor solutions for harsh environmental conditions, Dr. Samuel Huber – OST
Sensors are not only exposed to their primary measurand but also to harsh environmental conditions and interferences, including temperature changes, mechanical stresses, stray fields, humidity or external forces. Unfortunately, sensors are not independent of these interferences. Samuel Huber uses examples to show how these undesirable parasitic effects can be eliminated or compensated for.
Practical input: Bayesian sensor calibration, Moritz Berger – Sensirion
The calibration of sensor systems can be a complex and costly task. On the one hand, non-linearities, noise and cross-sensitivities have to be taken into account and, on the other hand, only a few measuring points are available in volume production for reasons of time and cost. Moritz Berger shows how an optimal calibration can be achieved with the use of statistical methods despite a minimum number of measurements.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
16.30 – 18.00
OST Campus Buchs
Werdenbergstrasse 4
9471 Buchs (SG)
16:30-16:40 Welcome – Andreas Ettemeyer, Sensor Innovation Hub
16:40-17:00 Expert input – Samuel Huber, OST – University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland
17:00-17:30 Practical input – Moritz Berger, Sensirion
17:30-17:55 Practice Exercise-Moderated by Andreas Ettemeyer and Samuel Huber
17:55-18:00 Conclusion – Andreas Ettemeyer
from 18:00 Networking and aperitif
Samuel Huber ist seit 2020 als Dozent und Professor für Mikrosystemtechnik an der Ostschweizer Fachhochschule tätig. Davor engagierte er sich als CTO bei maglab AG und in der Rolle als Senior Sensor Design Engineer und Entwicklungsingenieur bei Melexis, ESPROS Photonics und Sentron AG. Seine Forschungsinteressen beinhalten Sensoren, parasitäre Effekte und Kalibrationsverfahren. Samuel Huber ist Autor und Koautor von 20 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen und Erfinder von 17 Patenten.
Dr. Moritz Berger ist seit 2023 als Entwicklungsingenieur im Bereich Umweltsensorik bei der Sensirion AG in Stäfa, Schweiz, tätig. Er promovierte an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau in Kooperation mit der Firma Melexis, wobei er im Bereich Kalibrationsmethoden für nichtlineare Multisensorsysteme forschte. Bereits als Student sammelte er Industrieerfahrungen 2017 bei Melexis und 2015 bei Silicon Microstructures. Moritz Berger ist Autor und Koautor von neun wissenschaftlichen Publikationen.
We look forward to your registration!
- The event is free. However, registration is requested for organizational reasons.