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Health in focus: Popular and often used, complementary and integrative medicine as valuable companions in your CV

22.11.2023 , 18:15 - 19:45

The six-part hybrid event series examines the topic of “Health in Focus: Strategies for a Long and Healthy Life” from different perspectives. Experts have their say in lectures and moderated discussion groups. At the same time, the audience can contribute with experiences and questions. The series of events is a cooperation program between the University of St.Gallen and the Switzerland Innovation Park East .

The event shortly

Keynote speech and discussion group : Complementary and integrative medicine are used by a large part of the population in Switzerland and play an important role in the Swiss healthcare system. In this event, the keynote speech explains what complementary and integrative medicine and health mean and some methods such as herbal medicine or anthroposophic medicine are presented in more detail. We will then discuss with experts and participants questions, experiences, limitations and challenges surrounding complementary and integrative medicine and its role in health promotion.

Talk session with:

  • Birgit Faller
    Nursing specialist, member of the support association for anthroposophically advanced medicine, craniosacral therapy/rhythmic massage, employed in a retirement center
  • Med. Jana Siroka
    Specialist in internal medicine and intensive care medicine, certificate of qualification in anthroposophically advanced medicine, doctor at the Arlesheim Clinic, member of the central board of the FMH
  • lic. oec. HSG Christoph Züllig
    Founder and Managing Director, Herbamed AG, Bühler (Appenzell)


Prof. Dr. med. Ursula Wolf
Director of the Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine
University of Bern

Alle Veranstaltungen der Serie


Registration information:

  • Please register for each event individually.
  • The registration deadline is 6 p.m. on the day of the event.
  • Participation is possible both online and on site.
  • To register for free, please click on the “ Going ” box below.

Innovation Park East

Lerchenfeldstrasse 3
St. Gallen, 9014 Schweiz

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