Produktionsflächen mit bester Vernetzung: Die Mieter im Innovationspark Ost arbeiten in einem optimalen Umfeld, um innovative Produkte zu entwickeln.
Produktionsfläche: 277 m²
Mit der Einmietung im Innovationspark Ost erhalten Sie ein Gesamtpaket an attraktiven Leistungen: Internetzugang hinter einer Firewall, freie Nutzung der Sitzungszimmer, freie Nutzung des Co-Working Bereichs, Zugang zum Farbdrucker, Zugang zu unserem Netzwerk, freie Nutzung der Küche und das Beste: unbeschränkter Kaffeebezug!

Stimmen unserer Mieter

Reto Vincenz
Co-Founder and CEO, MycoSolutions AG
The Innovation Park East is a melting pot of ambitious and innovative people. We feel comfortable here and appreciate the professional and helpful collaboration with the Innovation Park team.

David Ziltener
CEO, Tribotron AG
Innovations are key to our business. It is all the more important to work every day in an environment that does not stand still, but is inspired and open to new things.

Mathias Schunke
CEO, Ugra
As a small and dynamic organization, we benefit from the range of services, the shared infrastructure and the network platform of the Innovation Park East. We also really value the proximity and exchange with other start-ups.

Andre Bernard
Co-Founder and CEO, matriq AG
For matriq and me, the Innovation Park East means the following: a courteous and professional management team, the Startfeld Foundation with its financial participation program, an inspiring ecosystem, excellent infrastructure and stimulating networking opportunities with a number of like-minded people, profitable events - and these are just a few of the highlights .
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