Become a research partner - Switzerland Innovation Park Ost

Become a research partner

The Switzerland Innovation Park East provides the ideal breeding ground for pioneering innovations by combining key factors such as first-class business ideas, sound know-how and a supporting infrastructure.

Our main topics

With a focus on health innovation, sensor innovation and business innovation, we rely on the specialist expertise of local research actors.

We invite you to become part of this dynamic ecosystem to jointly initiate innovative projects and drive the development of new products. We value your expertise highly and it can make the difference in the realization of groundbreaking innovations.

The healthcare industry is particularly faced with the task of how to provide high-quality care to an increasingly aging population despite an increasing shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare system. Added to this are continuously rising healthcare costs. The integration of digital and technological innovations can help to overcome these challenges.

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Sensors provide us with valuable real-time data, which can be evaluated using digital tools. As a result, processes can be optimized overall and made significantly more efficient. Tracking products, monitoring the environment, controlling energy consumption, ensuring security and building intelligent cities are only made possible through targeted use of sensors.

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Digitalization drives the development of innovative and sustainable business models. AI and machine learning support the analysis of data and the prediction of trends, which not only increases efficiency but also promotes environmental and social sustainability in business models.

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Become a research partner

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Eine Karte mit allen Standorte der Switzerland Innovation Parks.
Park Ost
Park Innovaare
Park Zürich
Park Basel Area
Park Biel/Bienne
Park West Epfl
Alle Parks