Workshop: Basics of AI

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) does not necessarily lead to job losses. Rather, companies benefit from competition if they can use AI skillfully.

It is therefore very important that you and your employees have the know-how to actively and effectively integrate AI into your work processes. This allows you to not only keep up with competitors, but even outperform them.

the workshop coming soon

After this workshop, the employees of your team will be able to transfer their existing and acquired knowledge about artificial intelligence to specific use cases in their own company.

The basic workshop provides the basic building blocks to make it easier for you to enter the world of artificial intelligence. If you are looking for in-depth offers on the use and application of AI for your own products or services, Urs Sidler and the knowledge holders in the Innovation Park network will be happy to assist you at .

  • Duration : Half day
  • Location : Your company or Innovation Park East
  • Group : Max. 12 participants (larger groups on request)
  • Costs : CHF 3,000 / group (excluding room costs). For members of the Innovationspark Ost : CHF 2,400.
  1. Theory: How does “generative AI” work?
    > Introduction to the topic using ChatGPT as an example
    > Typical use cases (live)
  2. Practice: How does “generative AI” work?
    > Developing and trying out your own use cases
    > Structural exercises
  3. Do’s & Don’ts
    > Joint discussion in the team about which use cases should be promoted and which should be prevented, for example for legal reasons

Own laptops included. ChatGPT access

  • Access to free GPT-3.5 or
  • Access to paid GPT-4 (recommended)

A photo of the man Urs Sidler, Head of the Innovation Center, in front of a gray wall.

Urs Sidler
Innovation Park East

Overtaking instead of being overtaken

AI won’t take your job away… but the competitors who cleverly use (generative) AI will!

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