Starting field Diamond: These are the finalists


Six start-ups in the final; Shop Ahoi wins audience award

Planum Int. AG, Health Yourself AG and Siresca AG were able to convince the preliminary jury and are one step further for the Startfeld Diamant award. The start-ups Via Communa, VirtualAlpha, ConcentrAid are in the final for the diamond in the rough. Shop Ahoi wins the audience award.

From gemstone to diamond

The Startfeld Diamant is the award for young and innovative companies in Eastern Switzerland. The best start-up idea is also honored with the Rohdiamant prize. The prizes are awarded annually by the St.Galler Kantonalbank in cooperation with Startfeld – the start-up promotion of Switzerland Innovation Park Ost AG. Being in the final is already a big win: The finalists take part in management seminars, where they are accompanied by proven lecturers on the topics of design thinking, organization & law, business models and finance. In this way, the nominated start-ups can further develop their business ideas. An expert jury then chooses a winner for the starting diamond and the diamond in the rough. The award ceremony will take place on June 6, 2023.

The six finalists in 2023 are:


  • Planum Int. Inc (Staad) develops innovative construction products that make modern construction more profitable and faster.
  • Health Yourself AG (St.Gallen) makes routine health services accessible digitally and from home.
  • Siresca AG (Frauenfeld) is a tech start-up that develops innovative digital tools together with electrical installation professionals and leading partners in the electrical industry.

rough diamond

  • Via Communa (St.Gallen) is a digital rehabilitation ecosystem for optimal recovery after a stroke.
  • VirtualAlpha (Mels) is a web platform on which schoolchildren and students can get to know the financial markets better without financial risk.
  • ConcentrAid (Kesswil) is a digital co-working platform that two people use to meet for concentrated work (deep work).

Audience award goes to Shop Ahoi

The audience award of CHF 2,500 goes to the young company with the most votes in online voting. With 992 votes, Shop Ahoi from St. Gallen won this year’s audience award. Ahoi is a children’s shop with a focus on inclusion, diversity and sustainability. In addition to second-hand children’s clothing, we also offer diversity-sensitive toys and children’s books.


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